Choosing a siding material for your home can be quite a big decision. After all, the siding you choose will remain for more than a decade and choosing wrong could mean a lot of maintenance requirements, headaches, and damages from what seem like simple mistakes. To avoid all these problems it’s best to go with a great siding material such as James Hardie siding. There are many benefits to using this popular siding choice which we’ll cover below. So if you’re considering new siding for your home be sure to take look at these benefits for installing James Hardie siding in Lincoln Park Michigan and why we think it’s your best choice.
5 Reasons for You to Choose James Hardie Siding in Lincoln Park Michigan
One of the biggest concerns for home owners who want to switch to James Hardie siding is how well the siding will perform when it replaces other types of siding such as vinyl siding. They are concerned not only about performance but also the difference in pricing as well as other costly modifications that may need to be made in order for the siding to be installed. While these are valid concerns, the modifications needed to replace wooden or vinyl siding with James Hardie siding is minimal and the cost is usually negligible. You can also request pricing quotes and compare the two but I think you’ll find that the benefits that you gain from James Hardie siding far outweigh the costs. With that being said, here are some of the benefits you can enjoy with James Hardie siding:
Improved Curb Appeal on Your Home
The biggest impact that James Hardie siding will have on your home is curb appeal. Installing new siding of any kind will usually give you a boost in curb appeal but with James Hardie siding that boost is significantly larger. Not only is a great way to sell your home for more if you’re planning on selling the home soon in the future but it can also be great for adding value for home equity loans, etc.. Since the siding on your home is the largest area outside it usually has the most impact when it comes to curb appeal.
Easy & Stress Free Maintenance
Want a stress free siding that doesn’t require a lot of maintenance? James Hardie siding doesn’t require much maintenance at all other than the occasional cleaning which any siding would need. Painted James Hardie siding can last for more than 15 years before needing any refinishing so it’s easy and stress free when it comes to maintenance.
Durable and Long Lasting
Vinyl siding can be a great choice for siding but there is one big problem and that is it’s easily damaged. Falling branches can contact the siding and cause cracks and other damages. James Hardie siding on the other hand is extremely durable. After all, it’s partially made from cement. James Hardie siding is very durable and can resist impacts from most objects including branches and even hail stones.
Better Return on your Home Improvement Investment
While James Hardie siding is a little more expensive than vinyl siding the benefits that you can gain give it much more of a return on your investment. Increasing your home’s curb appeal and better energy efficiency are just a few reasons. If you’re looking for a way to increase your home’s value and get the most from your home improvement investment be sure to consider James Hardie siding for your home.
Top Notch and Lasting Warranty
With any type of home improvement component you can usually judge just how well it will perform and how long it will last by the warranty period. James Hardie siding has one of the best warranties in the siding industry and can help you have peace of mind for many years to come if you choose this popular siding material.
Get a Free Quote
Before you commit to a siding installation project be sure to talk with a reputable siding contractor who has experience with James Hardie siding. For home owners living in the Lincoln Park Michigan area the contractor that’s best is All Point Construction. They are fully licensed and insured and have been installing James Hardie siding for many years. Give them a call today at (734) 407-7110 for a free estimate on siding replacement for your home using James Hardie siding.